Undergraduate at Bennington College, studying Symbolic Systems.

You have arrived to a simple bundle of electrons that intends to state as much information as possible pertaining to a Miss. Cameo Wood's scholastic existance at Bennington College. Cameo has recently transfered to Simon's Rock College of Bard. More information can be found at Cameo Wood at Simon's Rock.

This page was designed for the future Bennington student and alumni, as well as prospective Field Work Term employers. It is Bennington's nature to be ephemeral and therefore, this webpage can only collect impressions of past moments, and I hope it does indeed enlighten and amuse.

My Plan Essay
The Plan Essay is the cornerstone of the Bennington education, and can be viewed as an alternative to the act of declaring a major at other colleges. It includes a schedule of classes the student and her faculty advisors decide upon, as well as a written essay detailing what it is that she wishes to study.

Pictures- Four collections are available and will open in a new window.
Hyper links (of the most kinetic sort)
These links represent the majority of Cameo's daily travels online, and are published in the hope of inspiring others to enjoy them.

Information about Cameo’s Bennington Activities
Housechair of Franklin
Judicial Committee
Some completed assignments
Contact Information
Name:  Cameo Wood
Mailing Address:
Bennington College
One College Road
Bennington, VT 05201 USA

eMail:  cwood.at.bennington.edu
Web Address:  http://student.bennington.edu/~cameo

Last Updated: 2003/12/16 23:40