Thursday, March 11th, 2004

Somehow in your wandering you have found your way here. Welcome. I cannot make promises to provide the traveller entertainment or material for serious consideration, however, I will attempt to canvas my ephemeral musings for things of interest to a kind visitor.

I have had a personal web page since 1994, though in recent times I've become more discriminating in the manner I share myself with the general electric public.

First electronic long distance message:
"What Hath God Wrought"
May 24th, 1844
Samuel F. B. Morse

A great deal of my waking hours are spent working on my business projects. I have been lucky to have worked for industry-leading companies during my 9 years in the telecommunications industry: Cisco, Sprint, Lucent, Qwest, GTE Labs, IDT and eDial, just to name a few. I enjoy sharing the construction of communications networks with my operational and management experience, as well as my enthusiasm. My experience is primarily in the NSP, ASP and CLEC space, with my core expertise being security as well as the engineering and operation of telephony, Unix and routed networks. I generally enjoy my work, and I try to produce useful and elegant solutions to problems. My >professional resume< is also available.

email: cameo @