Ever feel small? Also, huge and towering and powerful at the
same time? As though, you have this amazing potential, but, something
is holding you back from fulfilling it? I feel that way. I want
to be a storm trooper, secret agent, rock star, actress writer.
Is that so much to ask? Not to mention I also want to be on the
leading edge of science, discovering new things about undersea
exploration and new life forms, the way that the mind works and
ways to monitor and control thought, and learning how to better
monitor the net's traffic and growth. Lets see what I do with
all of these ideas.
I assume you already know who I am, otherwise, why would you be here?
I am a person usually defined as "intense" or "crazy." Why? Well, let me give you a rundown. My mom has MS, she is currently in a state operated home. She can't keep a coherent thought. She used to be quite brillient. She was cruelly punished, and she has so many gifts. My family did nothing for me. They turned their backs because they had their own problems. My mom's boyfriend took me in, and being prone to psychotic fits and having a propensity to emotional and mental abuse, eventually leading to physical abuse, you can guess we got along famously.
I ran away from home when I was 18, with this guy tracking me and threatening my friends for my whereabouts, traveling all over the east coast looking for me. I ran away with the help of a friend on the internet, who later became my lover. It was mistake, me clinging to someone who had a finacial future, whereas I had none. I then got my knowledge of networking and of the business world. After I left him for bigger and better things on my own, learning stuff from the big boys of the internet in the networking capital of the world, Washington D.C..
Eventually, I wanted excitement, so I hooked up with this dark-side h*cker from my past. That is where I currently am.
Oh, if you are interested in keirsey personality types, I am an ENFP.