Current Literary Holdings as of 06/29/99
Author Title
Aitken/Jones - Teach yourself C in 21 Days
Alexander - Dynamic of Dinosaurs & Other Extinct Giants
Allyn/Bacon - First Year Latin
Anderson/Berman - Sex Tips for a Straight Woman from a Gay Man
Angell/Heslop - The Elements of E-mail Style
Anonymous - The Sex Box
Ashe, Geoffrey - The Quest for Arthur's Britain
Ashley, Mike - The Pendragon Chronicles
Attanasio, A. A. - the Dragon and the Unicorn
Aymar/Sagarin - A Pictorial History of the World's Great Trials
Avon Publishing - A Field Guide to Dinosaurs
Avrich - Anarchist Portraits
Bakunin, Mikheil - God and the State
Ballard Ph.D., Robert D. - Explorations
Ballard Ph.D., Robert D. - Exploring the Lusitania
Barker, Cicely Mary - Flower Fairies of the Spring
Barry, Lynda - The Fun House
Barry, Lynda - It's So Magic
Bauby - Jean-Dominique - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Beagle, Peter S. - The Last Unicorn
Bell Publishing - Station Service Manual Vo. 1 NOV 1982
Bellairs, John - The Figure in the Shadows
Bellairs, John - The House with a Clock in it's Walls
Bellairs, John - The Letter, The Witch and the Ring
Bennett, William J. - The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators
Benoit, Hubert - Zen and the Psychology of Traansformation
Bethke, Bruce - HeadCrash
Bethke, Bruce/Vox Day - Rebel Moon
Birnbach, Lisa - The Official Preppy Handbook
Bischoff, David - Hackers
Bischoff, David - seaQuest DSV - The Ancient
Bisson, Terry - The Fifth Element
Bjork - Post
Black/Waters - SONET & T1
Bowra, C.M. - The Greek Experience
Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451
Branscomb - Who Owns Information?
Brautigan, Richard - Trout Fishing in America, The Pill versus the Springhill Mine Disaster, and in Watermelon Sugar
Brewer - Character Sketcher Vol. IV.
Briggs, John - Fractals: The Patterns of Chaos
Brode, Douglas - The Films of Steven Spielberg
Brody/Brody - The Science Class you Wish you had
Bruce, Lenny - How to Talk Dirty and Influence People (Slightly Bled Upon)
Bruce-Mitford, Miranda - The Illustrated book of Signs & Symbols
Buchman - Stage Makeup
Budiansky, Stephan - The Nature of Horses
Bullen, Frank T. - Creatures of the Sea
Burroughs, William S. - Naked Lunch
Card, Orson Scott - Ender's Game
Case, John - The Genesis Code
Cavazos/Morin - Cyberspace and the Law
Charters, Ann - Beat Reader
Chaucer - Canterbury Tales (An Interlinear Translation)
Childs, Gilbert - Rudolf Steiner" his Life and Work
Cisco - 11.1 Cisco MIB User Quick Reference
Colbert, E.H. - Dinosaurs
Colbert, Edwin H. - Men and Dinosaurs
Collins, Stephen - Double Exposure
Conly - Racso and the Rats of NIMH
Cooper, Susan - The Dark is Rising
Cooper, Susan - Greenwitch
Cooper, Susan - the Grey King
Cooper, Susan - Over Sea, Under Stone
Cooper, Susan - Silver on the Tree
Coolidge - The Maid of Artemis
Coombs/Coombs - Communications Network Test and Measurement Handbook
Condit, Stephen - Proudhonist Materialism & Revolutionary Doctrine
Congress (US) - Criminal Justice: New Tecnologies and the Constitution
Congress (US) - Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance
Costello, Matthew J. - seaQuest DSV: Fire Below
Cottrell, Leonard - Lost Cities
Courtenay, Bryce - The Power of One
Couper/Henbest - The Space Atlas
Coupland, Douglas - Generation X
Coupland, Douglas - Microserfs
Crichton, Michael - Andromeda Strain
Crichton, Michael - Airframe
Crichton, Michael - Congo
Crichton, Michael - Disclosure
Crichton, Michael - Jurrasic Park
Crichton, Michael - Rising Sun
Crichton, Michael - Terminal Man
Crichton, Michael - Travels
Crowley, Aleister - The Book of the Law
Crowley, Aleister - Magick Book 4 Parts I-IV
Cupples, Mrs. George - Bluff Crag (or. A Good Word Costs Nothing)
Cyghlan, Ronan - Illustrated Encyclopedia of Arthutian Legends
Dante - The Divine Comedy
Davis, Erik - Tech Gnosis
DeSalle/Lindley - The Science of Jurrasic Park and the Lost World
Dick, Philip K. - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Dick, Philip K. - The Philip K. Dick Reader
Dixon, Stephen - Interstate
Dore' - The Dore' Illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy
Duane/Morwood - seaQuest DSV: The Novel
Dunford/Holland - New York: The Rough Guide
Dwiggins, Tony - Interrupt
Egan, Greg - Axiomatic
Ehrlich, Eugene - The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate
Ellis - Celtic Women
Ellis - The Druids
Ende, Michael - The Neverending Story
Estes, Ph.D., Clarissa Pinkola - Women Who Run with the Wolves
Ewing, William A. - Body: Photographs of the Human Form
Fenn - The Spirit of Revolt
Friend/Fike/Baker/Bellamy - Understanding Data Communications
Ferris, Timothy - The Whole Shebang
Fritzhenry - The Harper Book of Quotations
Fujii, Satoru - Outstanding American Illustrators Today (1984)
Gibson, William - Idoru
Gilder, George - Life After Television
GiMarc, George - Post Punk Diary 1980-1982
Ginger, Ray - Altgeld's America
Godwin, David - Cabalistic Encyclopedia
Goethe - Faust/Part One
Goethe - Faust/Part Two
Goethe - The Sorrows of Young Werther
Golden Press - Myths and Legands
Goldman, William - The Princess Bride
Goodkind, Terry - Blood of the Fold
Goodkind, Terry - Stone of Tears
Goodkind, Terry - Temple of the Winds
Goodman/Neumann - Performance Rock Climbing
Goose, Mother - Old Nursery Rhymes
Gould, Stephen Jay - Dinosaur in a Haystack
Gowdy, Barbara - Mister Sandman
Grae, Camarin - Slick
Greenaway, Kate - Language of Flowers
Greer, Mary R. - The Women of the Golden Dawn
Grimm, Brothers - The Complete Brother's Grimm Faity Tales
Gross - Oceanography
Harper Publishing - A Day in the Life of Hollywood
Harper Publishing - Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates
Harris A.M., Ph.D., Maurice H. - People of the Book
Hawke, Ethan - The Hottest State (Advanced Readers Edition)
Hazen, Barbara Shook - Pets, Pets, Pets! (Signed)
Heimel, Cynthia - If you can't live without me, Why aren't you dead yet?
Hinton, S.E. - The Outsiders
Hofstadter, Dougla R - Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Thread
Hudson, Jeffrey - A Case of Need
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World
Hyde, Randy - Assembly Language using the 6502 (With an Intro to Sweet-16)
International Statistics, Office of - The Person-Number Systems of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Israel
Irving, John - The World According to Garp
Jakeman - The Origans and History of the Maya
Janov - The Primal Scream
Joels/Kennedy/Larkin - The Space Shuttle Operator's Manual
Johnson - Farewell to Troy
Johnson - Witch Princess
Kant, Emmanuel - Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals
Keating, Carolyn - Digital Home Recording
Kennedy, Gail - Problems in American Civilization: Evolution and Religion
Kernighan/Ritche - The C Programming Language
Koetzsch - The Parent's Guide to Alternatives in Education
Knightmare, The - Secrets of a Super Hacker
Kropotkin, Peter - Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Kroker/Weinstein - Data Trash
Lawrence/Lee - Inherit the Wind
Lawrence, Louise - Star Lord
Leary - Chaos & Cyber Culture
Lee, Tanith - Gold Unicorn
LeGuin, Ursula K. - A Wizard of Earthsea
LeGuin, Ursula K. - The Farthest Shore
LeGuin, Ursula K. - Tehanu
LeGuin, Ursula K. - The Tombs of Atuan
LeGuin, Ursula K. - Worlds of Exile and Illusion
L'Engle, Madeleine - A Swiftly Tilting Planet
L'Engle, Madeleine - A Wind in the Door
L'Engle, Madeleine - A Wrinkle in Time
Lessem, Don - Kings of Creation
Lewis - The Voyages of Columbia
Lewis, C. S. - The Chronicles of Narnia
Levy, Steven - Hackers
Levy, Steven - Insanely Great
Liberty/Hord - ANSI C++ in 21 Days
Life(Time) - Britain
Life(Time) - Enchanted World (Spells and Bindings)
Life(Time) - In Space
Life(Time) - Picture History of Western Man
Life(Time) - Understanding Computers: Space
Littman - The Fugitive Game
Liu, Eric - NEXT
Long/Houk/Henderson - Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Loomis, Roger Sherman - Modern English Readings
Lovecraft, H. P. - The Doom that came to Sarnath
Lowry - The Giver
Lu/Milligan - eWorld:The Official Guide to Macintosh Users
Marlowe, Christopher - Doctor Faustus
Masello, Robert - Raising Hell
McCullough, Ian - A Little Irish Song Book
McGrath, Thomas - This Coffin has No Handles
McKean, David - Cages
McKean, David - Option : Click
McKilip, Patricia A.- The Book of Atrix Wolfe
McLean, Monica - Cinderella Bride
McLoughlin, John C. - Archosauria
McLuhan/Fiore - War and Peace in the Global Village
McLuhan/Fiore - The Medium is the Massage
McWhorter/Evans - Basic Electronics
Melton, H.Keith - The Ultimate Spy Book
Miller, Martin A. - Kropotkin
Milton - Paradise Lost
Milton - Paradise Regained
Mitchell, Steven - Tao Te Ching (Lau-Tzu)
Minoli, Daniel/Emma - Delivering Voice over IP Networks
Monaghan, Patricia - The Book of Goddesses and Heroins
National Geographic - Exploring the Deep Frontier
O'Brien, Robert C. - Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
O'Donnell/Travolta - Making it in Hollywood
Oe, Kenzaburo - A Personal Matter
Ondaatje - The English Patient
Opposing Viewpoints - Mass Media
Orwell, George - Nineteen Eighty-Four
Pearson, David - The Natural House Book
Pearson, David - The Natural House Catalog
Perlin, Terry M. - Contemporary Anarchism
Pierce, Tamora - Lioness Quartet: Alyana
Pierce, Tamora - Lioness Quartet: In the Hand of the Goddess
Pierce, Tamora - Lioness Quartet: The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
Pierce, Tamora - Lioness Quartet: Lioness Rampant
Pierce, Tamora - The Immortals: Wild Magic
Pierce, Tamora - The Immortals: Wolf Speaker
Pierce, Tamora - The Immortals: Emperor Mage
Pierce, Tamora - The Immortals: The Realms of the Gods
Pines, Ayala Malach - Romantic Jealousy
Pfeiffer/Larkin - Frank Lloyd Wright: The Masterworks
Plant, Sadie - Zeros + Ones
Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
Platt, Charles - The Silicon Man
Plunkett/Weiner - Burning Man
Post, Emily L. - Etiquette
Postman, Neil - Conscientious Objections
Potok, Chaim - My Name is Asher Lev
Preston, Richard - The Hot Zone
Proulx, Annie E. - The Shipping News
Proulx, Annie E. - Postcards
Pullman, Philip - The Broken Bridge
Pullman, Philip - Clockwork
Pullman, Philip - Count Karlstein (Advanced Readers Edition)
Pullman, Philip - Galatea
Pullman, Philip - The Golden Compass
Pullman, Philip - The Ruby in the Smoke
Pullman, Philip - The Shadow in the North
Pullman, Philip - The Subtle Knife (Advanced Readers Edition)
Pullman, Philip - The Subtle Knife
Pullman, Philip - The Tiger in the Well
Pullman, Philip - The Tin Princess
Pullman, Philip - The White Mercedes
Pyle, Howard - The Story of King Arthur and his Knights
Rand, Ayn - Anthem
Rand, Ayn - Atlas Shrugged
Rand, Ayn - Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
Rand, Ayn - The Early Ayn Rand
Rand, Ayn - Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology
Rand, Ayn - Night of January 16th
Rand, Ayn - The Romantic Manifesto
Rand, Ayn - We The Living
Rago - UNIX System V Network Programming
Raven24 - Science1
Rees, David - Creative Plastics
Read, Herbert - Anarchy and Order
Regardie, Isreal - The Golden Dawn
Regardie, Isreal - The One Year Manual
Rheingold, Howard - The Virtual Comunity
Rucker, Rudy - Software
Rucker, Rudy - White Light
Rushkoff, Douglas - The GenX Reader
Rutherford, Ward - Celtic Lore
Sacks, Oliver - An Anthropologist on Mars
Sagan, Carl - Cosmos
Sagan, Carl - Contact
Schwartau, Win - Information Warfare
Schwartz. Steven - Therapy
Scott/Foresman - Sea Treasures
Seuss, Dr. - Horton Hears a Who!
Seuss, Dr. - The King's Stilts
Shaffer, Peter - Amadeus
Shay/Duncan - The Making of Jurrasic Park
Shebanek - The Complete Guide to the NEXTSTEP User Enviroment
Shea/Wilson - The Illimonatus! Trilogy
Sheilds, Carol - The Stone Diaries
Shinn, Shannon - Archangel
Shinn, Shannon - Jovah's Angel
Silberman - the Hidden Scrolls
Silverstein - Falling Up
Sinclair, Carla - Netchick
Slatall/Quittner - Masters of Deception
Smith, Gerald H. - Atheism, Ayn Rand,and other Heresies
Smolan/Erwitt - 24 Hours in CyberSpace
Snyder - The Celtic Revival In English Literature
Stein - Essential Reiki
Steinem/Chesler - Wonder Woman
Stephenson, Neil - Cryptonomicon (Signed)
Stephenson, Neil - The Diamond Age
Stephenson, Neil - Snow Crash (Signed)
Sterling, Bruce - The Artificial Kid
Sterling, Bruce - The Hacker Crackdown
Sterne - Tristram Shandy
Stevens - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Enviroment
Stewart III, John W. - BGP4: Inter-Domain Routing on the Internet
Stoll, Clifford - The Cuckoo's Egg
Strunk/White - The Elements of Style
Szyk, Arthur - Anderson's Fairy Tales
Tears for Fears - Elemental (Sheet Music)
Tears for Fears - Songs from the Big Chair (Sheet Music)
Tennyson, Alfred - Poetical Works
Till - Teach yourself PERL in 21 Days
Tipler, Frank J. - The Physics of Immortality
Thomson, Dave - Industrial Revolution
Tolstoy, Leo - War and Peace
Toronto Vegetarian Association - Vegetarian Tastes of Toronto
TRS - The Art of the Dragonlance Saga
Turkle, Sherry - Life on Screen
Walters, Rob - Computer Telephony Integration: Second Edition
Weary, Ogdred - the Curious Sofa
Weiner - The Human Use of Human Beings (Cybernetics and Society)
Weiss, Daniel Evan - The Roaches Have No King
Wells, H.G. - The First Men on the Moon
Wells, H.G. - The Food of the Gods
Wells, H.G. - the Island of Dr. Moreau
Wells, H.G. - The Invisible Man
Wells, H.G. - The Time Machine
Wells, H.G. - The War of the Worlds
Wheeler - Gravity and Spacetime
White, J.H. - The Once & Future King
Wieners/Pescovitz - Reality Check
Wilensky/Leiden - TCP/IP for Dummies
Wilford,JohnNoble - The Riddle of the Dinosaur
Williams, Henry Smith - Early Science / Growthof Knowledge
Wolff, Robert Paul - In Defense of Anarchism
U.S. Space Camp - Level II Textbook
Viking - Karl Marx
Von Braun/Orway - History of Rocketry & Space Travel
Vonnegut, Kurt - Breakfast of Champions
Vonnegut, Kurt - Cat's Cradle
Vonnegut, Kurt - God Bless you Mrs. Rosewater
Zimmer-Bradley, Marion - The Forest House
Zimmer-Bradley, Marion - The Mists of Avalon
Zukav, Gary - The Dancing Wu Li Masters