artifex : author, artist, artisan, maker.
Main Entry: kiad
Pronunciation: 'kI-"ad, 'kE-"ad
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural kiads
Etymology: of Blackfoot origin; akin to Welsh qwydd
Date: 1992
1 : obsolete : RIVER
2 : having the knowledge of many places and times -- more at WISDOM
3 : characterized by purity and beauty
4 : possessing or filled with force : FORCEFUL
5 : of or refering to Cameo Davine
6 : of or related to a BITCH GODDESS
Main Entry: ser·a·phim
Pronunciation: 'ser-&-"fim, -"fEm
Function: noun plural
Etymology: Late Latin seraphim, plural, seraphs, from Hebrew serAphIm
Date: 12th century
1 : an order of angels -- see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY
2 singular, plural seraphim : one of the 6-winged angels standing
in the presence of God
- se·raph·ic /s&-'ra-fik/ adjective
- se·raph·i·cal·ly /-fi-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Main Entry: ar·ti·fice
Pronunciation: 'är-t&-f&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin artificium, from artific-,
artifex artificer, from Latin art-, ars + facere
Date: circa 1604
1 a : clever or artful skill : INGENUITY b : an ingenious device or expedient
2 a : an artful stratagem : TRICK b : false or insincere behavior
synonym see TRICK, ART