How does a lie help you?
Religion is a lie
Religion is based on lies.
Religion is a source of refuge
Religion does not give you physical refuge, only mental satisfaction, saving your soul, not your body
Science =Religion
Science is treated with an air of mystery
Religion=Suspend belief
Science=everything is explained
True and useful are not equal.
"All the true things I'm about to tell you are shameless lies," is what Bokonon said about his books of philosophy and religion. This liars paradox is made for two reasons. The first is so that it will coincide with other religious paradoxes; Papa Monzono forbidding Bokonism yet practicing himself, Bokonon saying and knowing his books are made up of lies, yet getting so caught up in the hoopla that he believes it himself. Bokonon's religious charade was originally made up to give McCabe and Bokonon (the original settlers of San Lorenzo) power. McCabe became the evil usurper of power to amplify the honest and good Bokonon. The people of San Lorenzo were given a cause and focus, at the cost of Bokonons and McCabes sanity as they were limited to the roles they played. For all of the above reasons does a lie help people in a religious sense.
Religion is supposed to put you in a different place spiritually after death- What does science do?
This book is an apocalypse about the industry involved in the production of the end of the world.
Kurt Vonnegut rejects and mocks religion (word for worship is god; blind faith based) and shows his faith and beliefs in the mystification of science. Vonnegut believes that science puts you in a better place on earth, and to live in the present. Science takes care the individual now and does not worry about the after or induce false hopes. This is because Bokonon tells you everything is a lie so you wonÕt rely or be mystified by it and he doesn't make you believe on anything on blind faith. Science is religion.
This book is what one might consider a correct representation of how religions function in society. Vonnegut finds industry and it's faculty to be with out morals. He uses a fictional religion in a fictional society and shows how it is really a study of social and societal workings. Papa Monzano's lie and paradox helps people by having them believe he is a bad person, while fulfilling his needs religiously. This lie helps the people of Lorenzo to better believe the facade that Papa is putting in front of them.
Kurt Vonnegut Jr. lived in Schenectady, New York, His brother was famous for inventing cloud seeding. Family of scientists worked for GE.
Apocalypse- A writing prophesying a cataclysm in which evil forces are destroyed
August- Marked by majestic dignity or grandeur, AsaÕs treatment of narrator
Asa Breed- R&D center (Research and Development)
Bokonon- Religious Leader of San Lorenzo. Original name Lionel Boyd Johnson, Bokonon is San Lorenzan translation of Johnson. Author of the books of Bokonon.
Brackish- somewhat salty, Asa Breed, Page 33
Calypso- An improvised ballad, satirizing current events in a rhythmical style. Way Bokonon presented his teachings.
Julian Castle- Owner of Castle Sugar and the founder of the House of Hope and Mercy in the jungle, a hospital of sorts for the people of San Lorenzo.
Cat's Cradle- Ancient game. Consists of X's made in string. As Newt so eloquently explains,"No damn cat, and no damn cradle."
Day the world ended- An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Title of a book the narrarator planned to write.
Fallacious- A condition of being false, ie. false
Angela Hoenikker- Daughter of the father of the Atomic Bomb. Gave ice-nine to USA in lieu of receipt of her husband.
Felix Hoenikker- Father of the Atomic Bomb. Creator of ice-nine.
Franklin Hoenikker- Son of the father of the Atomic Bomb.Secret X-9 Gave ice-nine to 'Papa' for a military status and salvation from the American goverment..
Newt Hoenikker- Midget son of the father of the atomic Bomb, Gave ice-nine to the Russians in return for one night with a Russian midget ballet dancer.
Granfalloon- A false association to others based on nonsequential things. ie. Giving importance to an association akin to USA, Hoosiers.
Industry- The act of manufacturing that involves a large number of people and makes a product. This book is about the industry involved in the production of the end of the world.
Irony- when the literal meaning is the exact opposite to the actual meaning intended, odd coincidence
Karass- Your team in life, a group of people you were meant to be brought together with
Mona Aamons Monzano- Adopted daughter of ÒPapaÓ and the erotic symbol of San Lorenzo. A placid girl of eighteen.
'Papa' Monzano- 'Papa' of San Lorenzo, island nation of which he wants complete control. Enforces the hook if citizens of San Lorenzo practice Boko-maru or Bokononism.
Mystify- to perplex the mind or make esoteric, treatment of science by scientists. What does Papa put all of his faith into? Science
Tautology- A needless repetition, ridiculously obvious, where the truth of the statement is the statement
Perhaps the idea is that, if you are strong willed, you will trust in science because science is the only thing that is real and can be truly trusted. IsnÕt it strange that we trust in the intangible and force the material away, because we are scared. In the end, people turn to their fears contorted into Bokononism.
It seems that science becomes a religion if one forsakes spirituality. One begins to worship sciencee.This book is about mans needs to believe in a higher power, even if he knows it is just a made up whim of a madman. All man wants to believe in something unexplainable.