These sites are all quite special.. as I am sure you will note. I have included a brief discription of each site with the link, so as to avoid unnessecery access time better wasted elsewhere.
The Temple of Sorayama
This is some of the most beautiful artwork I have ever seen.. I really love this page. The artist is japanese and the artwork isof these sensual cyborg woman made of flesh and metal.. truly breath taking.
Banned Books On-line
Just the name of this page makes me cry. Most of the books here are some of my favorites. Read them all and prosper! And make sure history NEVER repeats itself. (P.S. That was a request.. not an order)
Wonderful Web Women
This page has some pretty cool feminine types online.. In fact.. I find it to sort of a tribute to all us beauties that shine around here on the web! (PS.. I had the gall to nominate myself.. Maybe I will get in.. who knows? This link screams "THIS IS NOT A DUDE PAGE!! IT IS A DUDETTE ONE!"
X Avenue - Stuff for Slackers.
This is the ultimate place to go if you really want to be part of the X Generation. This is a web site of infinite time wasting potential. When you have nothing better to do.
Jungian Personality Test
This is an way funky site that will allow you to see what kind of a personality type you are. I loved PSYCHOlogy(guess why?) when I was in HS.. and Carl Jung was one of my favs..and the test said I was k-rad.. so.. it has got to be great..right?
This is a link with more links than the gods..and best of all.. it has an "You Can't Do That On Television" Link..You can't go is akin to shopping in a decent mall.. (As rare a find as a pagerless nerd)
This is the definition of a real real disease that I must have... With all the trimmings.. a short but to the point definition of lil' ol' me! (=
The Illustrated Guide to Crackers
This is a page about crackers..and I am so happy about that..I mean.. Now.. when I am out of triscuits (my fav) and I crave the sight of one.. I can just go here and check it out. alright.. you caught me.. it is just a useless link I HAD to add...9=
Web Weavers
This is a site of a beautiful woman. I was so very touched by her.. Her soul has eyes that have seen alot of things.. I am in awe..
The Utne Reader is one of my favorite mags.. it is quite nifty. live it see it be it. Tons of artwork though..You have been warned. Topics include Media & Technology, Body & Sprit and Art, Travel & Culture. It is a pretty cool site all in all.
Charles Haynes: Radical Sex
This site has some sites I am sure your mother wouldn't approve of. Oh well. If you have any fetishes or are just curious to surf the sea of sexuality.. yoou have come to the right place! Just.. don't look at Charles himself... ick..
This Bjork Page seriously roqs if you like Bjork. Anything you could ever want to know about Bjork is here.. I wish my page was this nice.. (=
This is an website that my friend Arika made. It is a work of art on the web. Definately work a look if you want to see html at it's best.
Kiko House Home Page
Sushi lovers of the world unite! Check out the menu.. Yummy.. my favorite is Unagi.. anyone hungry?
Vegan Pages - Contents
Well.. I used to be vegan.. until I discovered how much I loved sushi.. I still think I am here is a vegan page.. hola!
The Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism
Ayn Rand is one of my idols. She is such a nifty chick.. lemme tell you. She wrote such works as "The Fountainhead," and "The Virtue of Selfishness." She had all the answers when she was alive.. and she was also a harlot.. which makes her even cooler!
Stupid UnderGrounds
This site is a ranting and raving of the utmost proportions about undergroundness.. aka "alternative." I kinda like is fing huge!
It calls itself "A Blueprint for the Flipside of Serious Culture," So they can't be all bad, right? Actually, the hardcopy mag roqs as does the page. nifty nifty..
This page is the page of all pages.. It has links to alot of interesting stuff.. only thing is. it is VERY general. Unless you are a newbie.. don't waste the bandwith..But.. it is a very well layed-out page none the less.
Mr. Media
The tagline for this page is: So much media, so little time. Who's going to keep track of it all?" Well. seek no furthur! Mr.Media is here to awaken us to our mental enviroment and it's implications upon our happy, happy, joy, joy world.
Cameo magazine
This is a mag about culture.. The highs and the lows.. a mag worthy of everyones support because for one very good reason...(;